MEVGAL’s Authentic Greek BIO Feta is produced from fresh organic sheep and goat’s milk collected exclusively in Greece, following a certain and strict process. Full taste. Natural aroma. Pure white color. Slightly salted. The P.D.O. cheese with international recognition, high quality and great nutritional value. Enjoy it in salads, use it in a variety of […]
Month: March 2021
Authentic Greek Lactose Free Yogurt
All the enjoyment and nutrition of the Authentic Greek Yogurt, without the feeling of bloat that some people experience from lactose.MEVGAL’s Lactose Free yogurt is ideal for a delightful snack for lactose intolerant people. […]
Authentic Greek indulgent Yogurts
MEVGAL Authentic Greek yogurt blends harmonically with the aromatic dews in delicious combinations. These yogurts will become your guilt-free, ready to go snack or dessert! […]